3 Innovative LED Applications That You May Not Have Heard of Yet
3 Innovative LED Applications That You May Not Have Heard of Yet
LED lighting has been around for a while now and we all know about its energy efficiency. LED lights are also highly durable and a bulb can even last for a couple of decades! New LED fixtures and accent lights are also available that help to add to the décor of your room or surroundings. The world has come a long way from the time when the only common application of LED was in LED laser pointers!
But technology is racing ahead and LED has found some novel uses. Hold your breath because they might startle you!
1. LED wallpapers: A lot of houses use wallpapers and decals instead of actual color on the walls. For them, changing the wall paper periodically is a menace because they have to take down the old wallpaper and put up new ones. If walls which are adorned by wallpapers are large, the work becomes tougher. But, Philips has developed a LED wallpaper which would change the color composition and luminosity at the press of a button. It is completely hassle-free and won’t require frequent replacements to keep up with your changing palate. You could even set colors to create a certain mood in the room!
2. LED contact lens: Have you ever heard about a subject called bionics? It is the study of mechanical systems which can function like body parts or independent organisms. Now, the Aalto University of Finland has developed a contact lens prototype made of LED which if successful can help you feel a sense of augmented reality, the same way you feel with your 3D glasses on. In the future, wearing these contact lenses, you may be able to read your emails and websites directly from your retinas meaning you won’t need a separate device or screen. A micro-LED containing sapphire chip receives information and data from the lens, which has been transmitted by the computer and you can see the material right in front of you. Surreal, isn’t it?
3. LED fitted eyelashes: Soomi Park has tried to amalgamate fashion with technology and created LED eyelashes that highlight the border of your eyes much like eyeliners and make them look bigger. The inventor has claimed that the LED in these eyelashes can also be switched on and off by tilting your head at a certain angle! It is already garnering a lot of attention and needs to be seen how it is received by the fashion cognoscenti.
These are only a few known applications. LED is slowly becoming an omnipresent phenomenon and will soon have an all-encompassing effect on people’s lives.