Why smaller LED recessed lights are gaining in popularity

Why smaller LED recessed lights are gaining in popularity

Polar Ray Admin

Why smaller LED recessed lights are gaining in popularity?

Why do some people prefer a smaller downlight? Sometimes the reason is a practical one driven by the need for a smaller footprint over a bar or smaller cook space. Other times the aesthetics of a 2” or 3” recessed light drives the decision when the size of a more typical 5”-6” downlight just seems too overbearing for the space, like in a shower or over a bathroom tub. The smaller downlights are amazingly bright…. some even as bright as the larger sizes, they dim and are available in a gimbal style to swivel around for more lighting control. The smaller downlights are also a favorite choice in both homes and commercial applications where there are tall coffered ceilings or long hallways.

The smaller recessed LED lights now available at Polar-Ray.com are also a great problem solver when there is limited space above the ceiling to fit the can. You now have a smaller recessed LED light footprint without compromising light quantity and quality.