Difference Between OLEDs and LEDs Organic light emittion diodes (OLEDs) are a type of a light emitt

Polar Ray Admin

Organic light emittion diodes (OLEDs) are a type of a light emitting diode (LED) in which the electroluminescent layer of the OLED is comprised or organic molecules and compounds that emit light when subject to an electric current. What constitutes as organic is ultimately what differentiates an OLED tv or bulb from an LED tv or bulb. OLEDs essentially use organic semiconductors between the anode and the cathode, and they have become hugely popular in recent times.

The difference between OLEDs and LEDs is pretty subtle as of now but OLEDs are expected to be the future of most types of lighting and display technologies as the materials used to create the semiconductors in OLEDs decompose faster in the soil than those used in LEDs. In terms of TVs, OLEDs currently have better viewing angles, respone times, black levels, and power efficiency. They also have a far lower degree of lag time.

LEDs last longer than OLEDs

As of now, one of the main advantages LEDs have over OLEDs is their better lifespan and this is primarily due to the comparatively lower lifespan of organic materials use for semiconductors. Blue OLEDs have the worst lifespan of any type of OLED and the lifespan of OLEDs is also lesser than of PDP or LCD technology. As the technology improves, we can expect the lifespan of normal OLEDs to rise by leaps and bounds in the near future.

OLEDs are currently more expensive

As OLED technology is relatively nascent (most commercial OLED TVs have been around for less than 5 years), it is more expensive than a comparable LED or LCD technology device. OLEDs are projected to become more inexpensive relatively soon as it is theoretically possible for them to be cheaper than LEDs and LCDs. As the costs associated with the fabrication and development of OLED substrates decrease, the price of OLED products will also decrease.

LEDs are currently brighter in most environments

LED TVs and lights have a considerable degree of advantage when it comes to brightness as the addition of quantum dots permits LED products to become incredibly bright. OLEDs are brighter than most LCD displays on average but they are not as bright as LEDs. This is particularly true in well-lit environments and also attempting to use OLED pixels at maximum brightness severely reduces their lifespan. However, OLEDs are better than LEDs in dark rooms.